Does Google know everything?

Did you hear a new word today? I believe you will search for its meaning in Google. It gives us loads of information about anything we type in it. But our elders did not have Google or smartphone with them but they also lead a good life or at the worst side managed to live and give us a livelihood until we started earning. Change is the only thing which exists forever. World around us is changing all the time. And technology is the global leader today and Google is the one big technology driven application. But we still should not forget the fact that Google is a brain child of a Human being. A human brain is required to use a technology no matter how complicated it is. So let's accept still Human power is supreme.

Now lets think about from where does Google get all the answers from. It's true that every application is automated but still all the information is feeded into it. It's not always possible with a disturbed mind but I believe if you feed your mind with positive energy then your mind has answers for all your questions. It might be little spiritual for some people but your inner mind is very strong than your predictions. But you need to feed your mind equally like you feed your stomach. Even though Yoga and meditation are good practices along with that you need a very good compassion for yourself. You are your own savior. Find power in yourself and have patience then one day you will find answers for all your questions. 

In ancient stories God comes in your dreams and answer all your questions because Man was connected with God but now man is so much connected with technology. Some intelligent man identified this and innovated a technology to answer all your questions. Definetily it helps us in many ways but we should not be dependent on it. So have confidence in yourself and ask yourself you will find answers for all your questions.


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