Happiness in your Hands
Making your loved ones Happy is easy compared to making yourself Happy. Yes you read it right!! It's not easy to make your little Happy. If you find Happiness in other's Happiness then it's great but it's something good to say but you should organically feel that Happiness then only it matters. It's hard to find 2 people with identical interests and wishes then how can someone be Happy when the other person's wishes are full-filled. If so you will be known as a pure soul and selfless. Then the first point which I told will happen that you can make your loved ones Happy. Now the later part How to make yourself Happy??
I was a busy bee who was running the race to find myself Happy. I was ready to take pain to make my little Heart smile. And finally discovered few milestones to achieve my Happiness.
Ignore the pain
May be it is Physical ache or something which is causing you mental pain. Try to divert yourself in some activities which you love frequently until you forget your pain. Like watching your favourite movie or music, Discovering a new Receipe.
Ignoring is just a temporary method until you get accustomed with the pain so that it will no longer effect your Healthy Life.
Listen to your Heart
This is considered as the primary mantra for living Happy in our Life however it is offered to us.
Only you know how to fill colors in your life as you only know what makes you Happy so follow your Heart and you will be guided smoothly to your destination of Happiness.
Accept the change
Once you are open to the change and find opportunity in it you will also find Happiness in it as ultimately that's what you are.
If you got Hair loss go for a new haircut, if you lost your job then take it as a resting time and try to workout on your Health and passion. Go for a salsa class or start Yoga and meditation which can make wonders in your upcoming time.
Predict for the best
We might have read and watched about the Law of attraction which mainly focuses on the control of our mind. We understand that what we think about constantly can be found in our future no matter we think about it positively or negatively.
For example if we imagine always about our experience in a dream destination like Paris then our destiny will definitely take us to our dream as we are fuelling our dreams with our imagination. So if we imagine good we get good. That's something which can also be called as the power of Positive vibes.
Never leave your Values
No matter what life has given you and the biggest slap you received just smile at it but never give up your values which is always your Pride and Respect.
No need to get into much spiritual but simple things like what you think is fair and true always honour them so that whatever may happen but over the time you will feel better. Never hurt your loved ones as they are the ones who will be with you at your bad times.
Along with the above said pointers you can find the roots of Happiness by few things like Surround yourself with Happy people because it's very likely that their happiness will spread to you. And don't forget to spread Love, Joy and Happiness to the world as there are seekers who are in need. 💝
Thank you 😀