Expect nothing and Appreciate everything..

One day when you woke up and you find nothing about yourself for the day. Yes everyone needs you and keeps high expectations on you to serve better every time. But atleast you should not forget yourself when everyone else does. Your Happiness matters a lot and it is not coming in its way. So get the Happiness to your life by hook or crook. You have all the rights on your own life and you choose your life to be happy and successful.

Your Life purpose
Many of us will forget at one point of time when you have lost control over it that your Life has a purpose and you need to discover it. We are all sent to this World not for just spending quality time but to add some meaning to our Life. What Gives Your Life Meaning. ...

 Your life has its ups and downs, times of clarity and confusion. Yet it has a Rich meaning, that you need to unfold by living your purpose. Now you can't ask the purpose to live your own life to someone. Ask yourself not verbally, just live your life better than yesterday. Appreciate everything that comes your way and at once you will discover the purpose of your life which motivates you to do and be your best.

Appreciate Good and Bad
Now it is not easy to take the bad things in life as easily as you take good things. You need tons of courage to do that. Being strong is not an option it's your duty to give it a better fight and rise higher every time you fall. It doesn't happen as soon as you decide. You need to give it many attempts and promise to not to give up every time you fail.

Your priorities your strength
You priorities may keep changing in life. At one point of time your Love life may be your highest priority and after being a Mother your baby attains the highest priority in life. Your priorities should never be your weakness but should be your strength. A baby may see life through Mother so you should be stronger to show a better life to your Baby. Be inspiring and commendable by which your baby can aim better in Life.

To make it very simple. At times Life is a reflection of what you showcase. If you smile at Life you get smiles around. If you find difficulties around it will be difficult to tackle it. Instead of you find opportunities around you to prove yourself then it will also show you the path of Success.

Aim Big to earn big
If your ambitions, interest and thinking is big then your challenges will also be big and at the same time the Success will also be Big. Every success story has worst struggles. Even Gold goes through fire to gain Trust. Stay firm in the fire without expecting some one to save you from fire. Our refined faith is more precious than Gold. 


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