Listen to your child

Am I over excited?? I did not know how to deal with my bundle of joy. I did not want to keep him down at all. Always holding him close to my heart but I didn't know that I need to listen to him and talk to him a lot. I became Mother at very young age and didn't know the challenges of Parenting. 
It was very late that I realised that my son wanted me to listen to him and no one was there in our busy life to listen to him at his very young age. Doctors told that he is a boy and will take time to develop speech. She asked me at what age did my baby utter Baba and when did he say his first word. I did not know exactly when it was. I was in complete regret that I did not observe him properly. I was having a maternity leave of 3 months and I was working in an odd shift job. My baby wants me to listen to him. He will utter words only when his dear ones especially his mother is around him. 

If you are not there to listen to him then he stops speaking as he will loose the interest to speak. There is no time to wait when there is a delay. Keep trying and be close to your son. Pick up little things which he speaks and start responding only then he will start responding to you.
It's very important to listen earnestly to anything your child wants to tell you. It matters a lot because if you don't listen to the little stuff which they wanted to tell you at their little age they will never tell the big stuff also when they are big. Talk to a 3 year old kid regularly only then at that right age they will start talking.

Listen to their dreams
Always listen to the dreams and desires of your little ones. It develops self confidence in them and let's encourage them to dream big and then give them the autonomy to make their own decisions.

Now I'm not in any odd shift but in full time shift with my son and enjoying parenting. I am always around him eagerly waiting to listen him speak. It's delayed but not denied. Keep trying and Love is the only took which can make anything possible in this World.

Speak in a way that your kids love to listen to you. Listen and respond in a way that your kids love to talk to you. You and only you can make a difference. And now this sentence would have brought a level of confidence.


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