Simple rules can make a difference

We were taught many good manners and moral values by our parents in our childhood but how many values still exist within us we never know. Karma is something which controls human life but still we will have one string in our hand that is our Attitude towards life. At one point of time there are no rules in our life which is a plain book with us. Some of us are fortunate enough to have people to guide what to write and mentor us throughout life where as some of us neither has mentors to guide nor has any pen to write his/her own life in the sense they don't have any means to earn their livelihood. Some don't even know what is right and what is wrong which is called karma which no one can change but how to deal with an open book in hand it is definitely in our hands. 

Give simple rules for yourself like I should not hurt anyone in life, I should not cheat anyone to earn my bread and butter now this rule is not a matter for a person who get bread and butter without any effort. So this person should be kind enough to share his food with one who doesn't get it easily. That is what your attitude towards Life. One good quality of you can be your strong point expected by you. Human Life is full of opportunities to live with. You can fill it with golden words like Honesty, Loyality and kindness or black marks like Greediness, Lazyness and dishonesty. We were taught in our childhood to never lie to anyone but some situation we would have lied for getting something done. So the our policies in life should not be altered for any reason. It should be strong like Rock then only we can develop trust on ourselves. World will believe in our capabilities only if we are Loyal to ourselves.


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