A Bad day can be treated
We all would have experienced a very bitter day when the day ended with a heated argument and we couldn't help in controlling our reaction which would have fuelled up the argument more. Now however what has happened we cannot change but what can be done so that the negative vibes will not spread to the very next day or into the near future.
There are very few ways which can be followed by keeping our ego aside or just by keeping in mind that we need a positive Environment around us.
Accept It
What do we feel when we get up in the morning of the very next day of a bad incident? The things turned up worst that the Universe seems to be conspiring against you. We don’t have control of most of things that happen to us and around us, however, we can control how we react to these moments and days where life just seems to push back really, really hard. Do we react with intense emotion and frustration and then carry that negativity with us, letting it spoil everything else we do that day? Or, do we just accept the reality, recognizing that it is what it is and that there is nothing that we can do to change what happened so why should we allow it to take control over the rest of our day to disaster?
I can say that the second option is the one which can make you feel better. It's always our choice in our reaction on things which happen to us. We get to choose whether or not to react with anger, irritation or with love, joy and compassion to a very bad thing happened to us. Choose the reactions with love as they don't have any side effects atleast.
React normally as nothing happened
It's absolutely difficult to not to react if there was a highly irresistible argument with our partner, friend or any member of the family. But this helps to heal the bad moment in the relationship.
Just take it as an opportunity that helped you understand how to deal with the situation and people. You have nothing to lose if you don't react and inturn you can win the person.
Do Nice things for somebody else
When we are hurt we know the pain and we can empathize the pain of others going through the similar situation. Do good deeds and allow the good to overtake the bad, When we are badly hit by destiny our mood automatically gets into kindness and gratitude.
You will feel better and energized if we could do something good for someone.
Pray and Chant
Know that you are not alone in this world at any point of time. Whichever religion or community you belong to but you always have a special space in your mind for God with whom you can open up your mind, Cry loud, laugh or express your gratitude or anger with him.
You are always guided, monitored and given ample support in some form at any situation. Prayer is a powerful way to remember this.
Deep breaths will help
Inhale slowly and fully and then exhale completely. You can automatically notice yourself relax mentally and physically. Fortunately repeating this simple task for three to four times itself makes you balanced, calm and relaxed.
You can gradually increase the number of times this breathing technique to feel more better and comfortable.
Sing, Listen or Dance
Music has some really good soothing effects. It can do great job on uplifting your mood. This is rather the first thing I do in the list to heal myself from a bad day. Play that song that you love to sing along to and turn the music way up and just sing your heart out.
This will shed out all sorrows from your mind and ultimately you will feel better. Sing like you have the most beautiful voice in the world or dance like no one is watching you. Let yourself realise that it's your life and you deserve to celebrate it as you like.
Don't get into passive mode if there is a fight with your partner that lead to a bad day. In fact, research has shown that it's not the frequency of conflict, but the manner in which conflicts are resolved, that makes or breaks a relationship.
So be optimistic about your relationships After all “Learning to negotiate the inevitable friction and disagreements that arise in any close relationship is essential in any healthy partnership”
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