The Moment a child is born a Mother is born also so take care of both equally

If you have recently entered Motherhood with lot of questions in your mind like What's good and what's wrong for my child. Forget it what's more important is that you are a Mommy now and you are blessed to become a mother of a cutie pie. Whether you are a new Mom or you are an older Mom what matters is that your energy levels should always be same and at the highest peak as long as you believe that you can bring smile in your child's face. 

Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained by having one.

Only few pointers to follow to bring smiles within and around.

Always have positive mindset

We can't say everyday is Sunday or evey month is a vacation. There might be troublesome days and nightouts which we need to do when we are at the feeding time of a newborn.

 Your positive vibes are very important which will reflect your child who is fed by you. Your sleeplessness nights should not be your nightmare it's just for giving a healthy and peaceful sleep for child. I have experienced my child crying every 10 minutes for milk and at times I was upset to wakeup every time. But later I understood that it's just a good sign that he is more hungry and active and it is something to cheer up but not to be upset.
If you are unable to feed and your child is dependent on bottled milk or lactogen. It's completely fine no need to worry. Milk whether in its natural way or induced protein it's just a formula for the first one to two years. Feed your child heartfully and only that makes sense. Your Happiness at your pregnancy and child's early-stage matters a lot.

Eat and drink healthy

Don't worry about weight loss or excess weight gain after delivery. Eat healthy food as you have lost plenty lot of energy for giving birth so we are now worth eating healthy to regain our energy levels as the saying goes like If giving birth to a child is part 1 then raising the child is part 2 so keep a check on your healthy diet. 

Go for a Nutritionist or pack your meal with more liquids, greens and fruits it gives the best form for a Healthy Gut.

Take some rest time for yourself

Now most of us remember only waking up in the morning and then our leisure time comes only at the end of the day which might be almost in the midnight. This happens normally when your child attains the age of making you run behind him/her. The typical age of 4 to 8 of the child makes us feel we should have been in Olympics. So it's very important to take some leasure time for ourselves and listen to our favourite music or tap your toes on the best music. 

This gives us a youthful feeling to connect with our innerself and make us mentally strong and energetic. This allows us to have a peaceful view for any circumstances. And most importantly your child mirrors your mindset. If you are happy and peaceful expect the same with your child.

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs… since the payment is pure love



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