
Today I just got a thought to pass on a simple challenge to my readers which I have challenged myself and through which I a beautiful and refreshing experience. All of us wanted to live healthy and peaceful. So let's take up this challenge of well-being. This challenge is as simple as that if we really have the sensibility to lead a successful life. Having said that Success should not be just a destination to reach in our life rather a journey which we desire to travel only if we keep learning and growing. Most of us don't undertake our thoughts in awareness. Rather, our thoughts control us.

Without any much ado let's have a glance on this challenge. If we notice ourselves at any point of time there will be hardly any second or minute when we are actually living at present whole heartedly. Either we will be in our past or we will be in Future. If none of these we might be in some illusion or assumption. This might be dreaming or assuming about something or someone. So the challenge is to stay in present. This sentence can be very simple to read but at the same time very difficult to follow. The challenge can be taken from 10 minutes to 1 day. The more you are confident on working on it the more you can extend the time. Once you could take a one day #wellbeingchallenge the next day will be refreshing and energetic.

 There are few little things which I follow so that I can concentrate on the present and not dwell on the past or dream about the future.

Count your breaths

This can be applicable in the short term challenge like for 5 to 10 minutes. You can set a stop watch for 5 minutes and count how many breaths are you taking in a five minutes and so on. 

Living in the present moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

Enhance your engagement

Work on reducing moments of mindlessness and noticing new things to improve your mindfulness. 

If you are watching your favourite movie or sport you will be never distracted and stay focused on the present. This is a good example to understand that if we discover more interests in our life we can stay more focused.

It is okay to be unselfconscious

If you are overburdened with the failures of your past or worried more about your performance then it is absolutely okay to cultivate unselfconsciousness. 

Stop thinking about something which is done and stay relaxed only then you can be more focused. A calm and relaxed mind can fuel in better performance whereas a worried mindset cannot help it. 

Appreciate little moments of the present

This is something I found very soothing and interesting. If you are with your family just talking about positive things around with your family members is one of its kind.

 If you are very much sweeping away by your thoughts you can do few things like take a shoot of nature or pets around with your mobile camera and start making good albums. How close you be with nature that close you will be with your present moment.

Don't pressurize your mind

When we engage in living in the present, we are not ignoring the thoughts of the past or our future, we are simply choosing not to dwell on them. It is good to acknowledge our past or be future focused. Let us know it's importance and categorise our thoughts but the important point is to not allow yourself to get swept up in thinking about the past or future.

This age is all about distraction as we get distracted at every step. Yet one of the bitter unaccepted truth is that our brightest future is on our ability to pay attention to the present. So let's take up this challenge of Living in the moment #wellbeingchallenge starting from minimum time limit to forever to make ourselves mindful.

 Mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure. They have higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses.


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