Why did I grow up?

As a kid I was very eager to grow up but still was unaware of what actually happens when we grow old. It's never the same place it's never the same people. Neither a physically and mentally healthy childhood nor a very good school or teacher I had where we could design good dreams, but was still feeling safe and warm as we are surrounded by our family. With immature minds and finding happiness in little things I was overwhelmed with all the little happy moments whenever I get it but sooner I started realising that happy moments are like a holiday time and leave me very soon. So, I live with it as much as I can. Time was fleeting that I couldn't hold on the moments spent. Tried to fight with my fate but fallen badly. 

Cried out and shouted loudly but things are moving fast leaving me behind. The message which I couldn't get initially was to 'keep moving'. 

Parting ways with loved ones
Am I not an ambitious girl in life? I questioned to myself many times. College!! What a great place to nurture your mind and soul but more than what I learnt there I remember my friends more and even today with a mild pain as I cannot get back to that time again where I was laughing, crying and earning more memories with my friends. 

My day used to start and end with thoughts with my friends. And one day I crossed that hardest part of departing with my closest friends aswell. Lost in an emotional world I consoled myself by calling myself an emotional fool.

Family isn't always forever
As of now this is the hardest part which I realised after my college time was that even family is not an exception when it comes to parting ways. One who has an elder sister with unconditional bonding will only know the pain of bidding Goodbye to your sister. Being an extremely stubborn and adament younger sister I couldn't resist myself from reacting in a foolish manner when I realised that my sister got her first job and she leaving to a different place. 

Slowly I started understanding life and it's clutches around me. It's trying to tell me never stick to any bond just move on otherwise you will stay behind.

Are parents for your privilege?
This is the latest message which I am receiving from my life that I was fortunate enough all this time being beneficial from my parents as their availability around me was itself an emotional support to me. It's hard to accept but I realised this when my husband reminded me whenever I get exhausted with stress that many girls are not lucky enough like me to have their parents with them after marriage. 

But It was very late I opened my eyes that all are getting parted from me then what is the point of getting bonded and building an emotional relationship when one day every one gets seperated from you. It's painful and very hard to accept that why this seperation happens in life.

I remember times when we are teens and adults we leave our parents and hang out with our friends for trips or for a job but we never knew how painful it was for our parents to separate from us but now I understand that pain when I myself am a mother. It was a joyful life as a child but when I grow old everything comes with a set of terms and conditions.

Love and Care your family and friends while you can. Smile with them, be kind and stay loyal with them because they might leave and you may not a chance to do this again anymore after saying Goodbye!!


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