Never take it for granted!!

It was a Saturday afternoon when I remembered what a Doctor from Nimhans advised me 5 years back. It was in 2018 when I visited Nimhans I remembered many kids like my son and many mothers in confused and distressed situation like me.  The Doctor reviewed him and advised us many things among which he told always be watchful with him which was a very common advice. And 5 years after today I feel better, confident and strong enough in this Journey. I owe it all to the great souls who supported, tolerated and advocated me till this date. I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I have been hurt but I'm alive. But at this point of my journey never like before I experienced a unexpected hypnic jerk which awakened me. 
Me and my son went for a much awaiting play date with his friend at a park with Slide, Swing, ball shooters and many more physical activities and sensory toys. It was a very playful Environment and we are visiting this place for the third time. The first 2 experiences in this place were mesmerising and overwhelming because my child being a special need kid was very adamant and was never playing in any park all these years. I was with him all the time and never let him out of my sight the whole time when he was in that Environment. 

But this time being the third experience we were watching them playing from little (approximately 6 feet) far as they were good enough with all the rules of the place. The ambience of the place made him feel like home. He was playing on slide and suddenly a little girl (3-4 years old) was in his mid way. He was moving her aside and when she was not responding he was pushing her aside. I just happened to see that instance and I started going to him to stop him.

Inescapable Shock
This reminded me about the chapter from the book 'The body keeps the score' .
The moment when I was about to reach my son and another adult who was the father of another child hit him on his head twice was the moment of Inescapable Shock for me and I had to do something and my call may not be the right response for the situation. I yelled at the person and told him even though he hit your child that is not a license for you to hit my child. Kids will hit each other while playing and its a part of their age. If you cant take it you would have approached his parent or the authorities. They both are kids but you are a parent and hitting a little child for a silly reason was a shameful act. 

Later I felt what I responded at that moment was a mistake. I should have raised a complaint to the authorities there and forewarned other parents over there and tell them there are people who has just shown up a very irresponsible behavior. So please be alert with your kids.
I felt I should avoid coming to this place again. This was again a mistake. A person like him may be there wherever I go and I can't avoid all the public places intead of that I should learn from the experiences around me.

The person apologized to me where after I left the issue there but instead I should have told him to apologize to my son whom he hurted.
When my husband who appeared there expeditiously learnt that the person left the premises made me realize my first mistake of not raising a complaint. Well I understood that it's not acceptable at all and taking right decisions at right time are mandatory for our kids.
What all things happened after that did not matter to me after I couldn't take the right decisions at right time. 
I hope this experience will not stop me from letting my child live his much deserved Joyful life by allowing him to fully explore and enjoy his childhood with learnings from his experiences with people around. There may be good or bad people in his world but it is indeed Beautiful and the more he learns to socialize with people more safer the world is for him.


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